
There are two ways to qualify for the FirstEnergy All-American Soap Box Derby World Championships. Learn more below.

Win Local Race

The first way to qualify is to enter a local race and win. As the “Local Champion” for their hometown/area, they qualify for the World Championships and will compete against other Local Champions.

Local qualifying races are traditionally held in the spring with the final qualifiers being held the first weekend in July.

Local race programs are sponsored by a variety of civic clubs, service organizations and business firms. These groups establish their local Derby administrative and promotional organizations to conduct the program. Local race organizations are responsible for a license fee to the ISBD.

There will be three racing Divisions in most races and at the FirstEnergy All-American Soap Box Derby World Championship Race. The Stock Division is for kids ages 7 through 13. The Super Stock Division is for kids ages 10 through 18. The Masters Division is for kids ages 10 through 20.

Earn Enough Rally Program Points

The second way to advance to the World Championships is to earn enough points through the Rally Program and represent his/her region against other Rally Champions.

Racers will begin accumulating points starting in June and will continue earning points through the end of May.

Check out the 2025 Rally Standings and 600-point Club. Confirmed as of Jan. 16. 

There will be three racing Divisions in most races and at the FirstEnergy All-American Soap Box Derby World Championship Race. The Stock Division is for kids ages 7 through 13. The Super Stock Division is for kids ages 10 through 18. The Masters Division is for kids ages 10 through 20.